I'm not statistically possible
I saw this interesting little box on a blog and thought it would be fun to find out how many people have my name in the US. Sadly, this is what came up:
Hope your luck is better than mine
I saw this interesting little box on a blog and thought it would be fun to find out how many people have my name in the US. Sadly, this is what came up:
That was Julia, about two hours into our car ride. It was definitely a long morning. We got the girls up early so we could leave by 7:30 to be at Uncle Steve & Aunt Kathy's in time for dinner. Usually, the girls don't get up until 9 and on all the other days we'd gotten them up, they'd go to be early. But not today. Consequently, Charlotte was also in a terrible mood and things got so bad we had to pull over and move Julia's seat. Chris and I were also so tired from getting up early and staying up late that we swithced drivers constantly. Add in Frankie's general grumpiness and we were stopping all the time. But somehow we made it to Elk Grove around 5. Kathy, being a very wise woman, had bought a Dora sprinkler for them and they immediately changed into their suits and ran around the backyard until it turned into a swamp. We had a fabulous, home-cooked meal (including dessert) and enjoyed the feeling that the majority of ou driving was done.
Next day it was time to hop in the car again. We left Sandpoint around 8 am and headed for Bend, Oregon. We retraced our steps back to Spokane, then went south though some dry, dusty areas. Once we got to Oregon it changed to beautiful green rolling hills with great views of Mt. Hood. It's part of the Oregon Trail and is called the "Journey through Time" highway. It was like stepping back in time with all these cute little towns and farms. When we reached Madras the traffic reached a standstill. Turns out we'd reached Madras when the funeral service for Pfc Thomas Tucker was letting out. It was a high-profile death and there were quite a lot of people in town, including the Govenor, PFLAG and the Patriot Guard Riders (motorcycle riders that ride at memorial services to sheild the family from protesters). It was so touching to see all the support that this family received. All the businesses and trees and everything were decorated for miles. We saw sign after sign at the local establishments expressing prayers for the family and it was so sweet.
We spent the day in Sandpoint at the beach. We brought a picnic and chairs, but somehow, I forgot bathing suits. They didn't seem to mind and had a great time. The only real problem was that Charlotte was used to walking way out in the water in Canada and would quickly get too deep for my comfort when we were at the lake.
We started the day at the Kids Only Market on Granville Island. It's basically a bunch of toy stores, kid related stores and a two story play place.
After a whirlwind tour of Vancouver that left Chris and I wondering what we were thinking staying only two nights, we departed for northern Idaho. We'd spent our time in the city at Stanley Park, visiting the aquarium, which the girls loved, taking a horse-drawn trolley ride, and visiting the kids market at Granville Island. We also squeezed in a visit to a long-lost relative of Chris' (it was possibly his father's second cousin). We loved the city and loved the place where we were staying. It was just the perfect place for us and exactly the opposite of our beach house. The girls and I were wandering around remarking at all the conveniences (look it has a diswasher and a stacked washer and dryer!) and I said it was the nicest place we'd stayed thus far. Julia remarked, "Yeah, after the place with the bunkbed."
We're at the beach now, the longest stay of our vacation, and it's been heavenly. Well, apart from the fact that our beach house is a dump. But to back up, we left Victoria Friday and had a pretty nice drive up the island. About 20 km from our destination, Frankie couldn't take it anymore, so we pulled off the road so I could nurse her. We ended up at the Courtenay Japanese and Chinese cemetary (they were side by side) and got out and looked around.